The Extreme Erissian Evolution, Step One ~ 9 Apr 2019

The Extreme Erissian Evolution begins 24 April. What is the Extreme Erissian Evolution?

Between now and October 2021, there will be three Jupiter to Eris squares - Capricorn to Aries, one Saturn square with a station essentially square slightly more than a degree from exactitude - Capricorn to Aries, and six, counting an upcoming station at about a half degree from partile, Pluto squares with Eris - Capricorn to Aries.

Actually, the first undercurrent of E3 stirred on April 1st as the lunar nodes squared Eris. Of course, should an astrologer have proclaimed that in the next thirty months pretty much every person would find a renewed fit for their soul and that there’s hope for this world yet, it might have seemed like one of those April’s Fools blog pranks - or perhaps overly snowflake-ish. After all, the nodes are intersection points, not a planetary thing with density, mass, gravity and other electromagnetic goodies, so they do not pack the punch of planetary alignments. True, but their influence stirs an inner sense of cause and marks a pin point for realization of destiny.

To get the party started, on 24 April, Pluto in Capricorn stations, square Eris in Aries, at 33' of an arc. Feel the undercurrents? Sense the subtle shifts from stratosphere to magma core?

Perhaps a review of how Eris provokes our consciousness and how we can muster the best results is in order. Eris is the goddess of discord, who loved bloodshed and the groans of dying men on the battlefield. When shunned, or if she perceived she was excluded, odds are she crashed the event from which she was excluded, accompanied by disruptive cohorts and created mayhem and unpleasantries all around.

Now it should be noted here, that once when Jupiter perceived a political wrong, he enlisted Eris to aid him in reversing the motion of the Sun, the Moon and the stars, for one day, such that perspectives could be reset and the political situation righted. So this Eris, like any planet, dwarf or otherwise, holds an undeniable upside.

As much as Eris despises being shut out, her upside resides in being able to find a perfect fit in life. For those feeling invisible, ignored, not accepted, shunned, rejected, dejected or ejected, there is hope. First, Eris asks the questions: 1. Is the thing you’re so concerned about truly a good fit for you socially, and does it line up with your top tier karmic considerations? 2. Is this attention-grabbing issue in front of you something that betters your real world wherewithal in a good way and does it fuel the economic platform required to conjure up your destiny?

With this first Pluto square Eris in slightly more than a fortnight, honest, subtle answers are out there. Stirring sense that shifts are inevitable, are valid as well. The answers lie in the microscopic cracks in the structure and the instinct that x-rays need to be taken. They are the whispers in the wind that hint at the instinct that perhaps not all pursuits are purposeful. They are the feeling that somehow in this moment, the soul is not a good fit in the body. With any of these realizations, retooling is required.

Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on 26 April. So many things to do; so many places to go. Where did I put my checklist? Why can’t I remember? Because you’re supposed to “feel” or sense where your energy is best applied in each and every moment - in real time. Some of the blur is actually the unconscious demanding a reset of focus. With visual (conscious) clarity restored, improved focus on what lies ahead leads to swift, decisive action - and permits the ability to manage multiple fronts simultaneously.

The south lunar node and Saturn come together in Capricorn on April 30th. Says this subtle alignment, “You better make this personal and shoulder the load. It’s your karma to participate in the world. Get used to it. Get on with it.”

Two days following the node-Saturn interaction, Mercury, in Aries, directly aligns with Eris. Assess the current state of your personal evolution. Stress this awareness to yourself with an unrelenting blitz of affirmations. Know that this is you and your calling, and that no one can derail the train of transformation that you are.

If you haven’t ever used Eris, consider the fact that she is a goddess who was typically excluded - largely because of her disruptive tendencies - and she always resented and reacted poorly to the snub. When feeling shut, out she enlisted contentious colleagues to assist her in extracting revenge. Include Eris. Invite her to the party. Realize the potential of finding a perfect personal soul fit. Imagine the power of being true to what works for you, instead of compliance with norms and mandates that to not align with your aspirations. Starting now, huge changes are in the air for all... the upshot is that the more people true to their core, the faster the planet can evolve. Can we prove that theory correct?

When is the next installment? Prior to the next major evolutionary event, there will be other transits from personal planets to Eris. Consider around the solstice in June when Mercury and Mars square Eris from Cancer. However, the next major wave is January 2020. Actually it will be a tsunami, or an avalanche. On January 12th, Mercury in Capricorn squares Eris. The very next day or so, the Sun and Ceres square Eris, also from Capricorn. On January 16th, Saturn takes his turn, followed by Pluto’s second pop of his six-pack of transits on January 26th. That is a lot.

Remain mindful of the evolution in progress and with good cheer consciously apply all aspects to Eris between now and then.

More soon.